McKean County Weather on FaceBook
There are No Watches or Warnings
current conditions
Clear Clear
Currently: 40.1, Max: 43.6, Min: 39.8 40.1°F
Colder 0.5°F than last hour.


Feels like: 40°F

24-hr difference
4.9°FWarmer 4.9°F than yesterday at this time.
  Today Yesterday
High: 43.6°F
Low: 39.8°F
Green Hosting and more
Green Geeks hosing
Past Data on October 04
High Temperature = 80.2° F
Low Temperature = 47.3° F
Daily Rainfall = 0.00 inches
High Wind Gust = 14.0 mph
Hours of Sunshine = 7.1 hrs
High Temperature = 53.6° F
Low Temperature = 34.8° F
Daily Rainfall = 0.02 inches
High Wind Gust = 14.0 mph
Hours of Sunshine = 2.0 hrs
High Temperature = 73.0° F
Low Temperature = 60.3° F
Daily Rainfall = 0.26 inches
High Wind Gust = 9.0 mph
Hours of Sunshine = 3.0 hrs
High Temperature = 59.5° F
Low Temperature = 34.3° F
Daily Rainfall = 0.00 inches
High Wind Gust = 12.0 mph
Hours of Sunshine = 2.1 hrs
High Temperature = 59.7° F
Low Temperature = 35.8° F
Daily Rainfall = 0.00 inches
High Wind Gust = 15.0 mph
Hours of Sunshine = 1.2 hrs
High Temperature = 70.3° F
Low Temperature = 48.5° F
Daily Rainfall = 0.15 inches
High Wind Gust = 13.0 mph
Hours of Sunshine = 0.7 hrs
High Temperature = 67.4° F
Low Temperature = 43.0° F
Daily Rainfall = 0.06 inches
High Wind Gust = 14.0Mph
Hours of Sun = 3.1hrs
Powered by Cumulus
Search our Database
our extremes for October
Highest Temp= 84.7°F
at 2:46 PM on 01 October 2019
Lowest Temp= 17.4°F
at 7:11 AM on 13 October 2012
Highest Monthly Rainfall
8.63" During October 2016
View All of Our October Extremes

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Regional Radar
our current station data and short forecast
what's in the air
Current Temp40.1°F
Two Hrs. Ago:  40.9°F
Two Hrs. Ago:  39.6°F
Two Hrs. Ago:  95%
Barometer TrendRising slowly
Current Humidex40.1°F
Current Ten Min. Ave.0.0
Wind Chill40.1
Gust Last Ten Min.0.0 mph
Todays High Gust0.0 mph@12:00am
Main Dir. Last 2hrsNortherly
Yest. High Gust10.0 mph@11:53am
Months High Gust11.0 on 02 October
Wind Run Today0.0 miles
Yesterday13.4 miles

Today: Areas of fog before 10am.  Otherwise, mostly sunny, with a high near 74. Light and variable wind.
Areas Fog
then Mostly
Hi 74 °F
Rain Today0.00 in
Current Rain Rate 0.00 in
Rain Yesterday0.01 in
This Month0.35 in
Yearly Total35.21 in
1 day since last rain tip
8:44am on 10-03-2024
the moon
Waxing Crescent
2 days into cycle
Waxing Crescent, Moon at 2 days in cycle
Waxing Crescent

Tonight: Patchy fog after 4am.  Otherwise, partly cloudy, with a low around 45. Calm wind.
Mostly Cloudy
then Patchy
Lo 45 °F
solar radiation
0 W/m2
High:0@ 12:00am
uv index
High:0.0 @ 12:00am
Our Station Info
Online Since Feb. 2011
Latitude N 41° 43' 04"
Longitude W 78° 33' 30"
Elevation 1644 ft
The Precious sun
Hours of Daylight Today11:35
There will be 2min 45s less daylight tomorrow
Actual Hours of Sun
Today- 0.0hrs    Yesterday- 7.2hrs
records on Oct 4th

My Station:
Record High: 80.3°  2017
Record Low: 30.5°  2014
Lowest High Temp: 53.6°  2022
Highest Low Temp: 60.3°  2021
Sunniest Day: 7.1 hrs 2023
Rainiest Day: 0.26 in. 2021
Average High: 67.4°
Average Low: 43.0°

Bradford Airport:
Record High 82° 2023
Record Low 20° 1974
Average High 63°
Average Low 42°
national weather service Discussion for our region
SYNOPSIS... * Locally dense valley fog will occur throughout Central and  
Northern PA through 10 AM today; Clouds and a stray shower or  
thunderstorm possible over east-central PA later today into   early tonight
along and ahead of a weak cold front. * A great start to the first weekend
of October; rain showers   return from NW->SE later Sunday through Sunday
night as a   stronger cold front pushes through. * Drying out and cooling
down next week with a frost risk   beginning early Tuesday and continuing
each night/early   morning through Friday.  
Check Out The Full Discussion Here
Live Look at our WebCam
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Check Out All The Rivers in The Region Here

NWS US 3 Day Convective Outlook Charts

Today: Fri, Oct 4, 2024todays map Tomorrow: Sat, Oct 5, 2024tomorrows map In 2 Days: Sun, Oct 6, 2024day after tomorrows map
(Hover over a thumbnail to display a new chart.)

Day 1

Maps and Data Courtesy of NOAA NWS Storm Prediction Center.
Script by SE Lincoln Weather.

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