McKean County Weather on FaceBook
Data from yesterday

A Look at Yesterdays Highs and Lows

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Temperature / Humidity
Highest Temperature 26.4 °F at 7:00pm
Lowest Temperature 6.9 °F at 7:00pm
Highest Dewpoint 15.8 °F at 7:00pm
Lowest Dewpoint 4.3 °F at 7:00pm
Highest Apparent Temp[?] 20.4 °F at 7:00pm
Lowest Apparent Temp 0.8 °F at 7:00pm
Lowest Wind Chill 6.9 °F at 7:00pm
Highest Heat Index[?] 26.4 °F at 7:00pm
Highest Humidity 92 % at 7:00pm
Lowest Humidity 60 % at 7:00pm
Daily Temperature Range 19.5 °F  
Highest Rain Rate[?] 0.00 in/hr at 7:00pm
Highest Hourly Rainfall[?] 0.00 in at 7:00pm
Total Daily Rainfall 0.01 in  
Highest Wind Gust 10.0 mph at 7:00pm
Highest Wind Speed Average[?] 4.7 mph at 7:00pm
Wind Run[?] 20.5 miles  
Lowest Barometer 30.515 inHg at 7:00pm
Highest Barometer 30.926 inHg at 7:00pm